I have a friend, and she cannot bake. Not a cookie, not a cake, not a brownie. Actually, I have a few friends that cannot bake. The one person that …
Kitchen Conversation Chart
Have you ever found yourself reading a recipe without having a way to convert the measurements to the amount you need? Here is a quick and easy guide for you to use if you have had these problems!
Decreasing Fat in Recipes
Cooking with fat – whether it is butter, lard, or oil adds a lot of calories to any recipe. You can also have added fat from meat depending on the cut or type of meat. An easy way to cut calories in a recipe is to cut the amount of fat. Below are some tips that can help you cut the amount of fat and make food healthier as well.
Meal Prep for Beginners
The list is endless of why we don’t cook or feel like cooking when we get home from work – most of which is time! This is where meal prepping comes in handy! Here is your beginner’s guide to meal prepping!
Five Easy-to-Make Foods
We are all busy with work, school, and kids. Sometimes it is hard to figure out things that we should be cooking for us and our kids and fit it …