exercising at the office

Exercising at the Office

stephanieauthement Exercise

Exercise. That’s what people expect you to do, but don’t tell you how to fit it in your busy schedule. Between work, kids, and even school, it is hard to find time to fit exercise into your day! Here is an easy way to exercise at the office!

walking on the ground

How Many Steps Should I Take Daily?

stephanieauthement Exercise

One of the most common problems in America right now is the lack of exercise or any physical activity. It can cause an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. The good news is that you can change how much activity you do everyday.

Importance of Yoga

stephanieauthement Exercise

Yoga is used to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. Only about 10% of people in America practice yoga over the course of a year. Yoga is great for wellness, …

Training for a 5K

stephanieauthement Exercise

Are you in the process of getting ready to run a 5k? Maybe it’s an obstacle course that also has a 5k included with the obstacles! Whatever your goal to …

set goals for yourself

Set Goals for Yourself!

stephanieauthement Exercise, Healthy Eating, Nutrition

Holding yourself accountable for the goals you set for yourself will get you to stick with your exercise plan and improve your fitness level! Don’t give up on your fitness goals! These 4 tips will help you stick with your goal!


Circuit Training

stephanieauthement Exercise

Circuit training is quicker than traditional resistance training and burns a lot of calories in less time! Here is your guide to circuit training!

3 Great Core Exercises

stephanieauthement Exercise

Have you continued to do sit-ups and crunches without ever seeing any results? Have you tried every stomach exercise imaginable to not see any progress in your abs? This is …

Foam Rolling

stephanieauthement Exercise

I’ll never forget the first time I saw a foam roller. You know, those bumpy log looking things. They are used to stretch out your muscles before and after stretching. …

10 Tips to Prevent Injuries

stephanieauthement Exercise

It’s Spring time and exercising is in the air and in the stores. Have you seen the latest elliptical out in the store or how about all of the protein …

best ab exercise

Best Ab Workout

stephanieauthement Exercise

This exercise workouts your abs, butt, and legs all in one smooth motion. Check out this exercise to add it to your routine.